Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Saturday in DC

We have a place to live lined up.  It's not one hundred percent for sure, but it's fairly close.  On Sunday evening Alex and I go for an interview with the husband and wife that are thinking of renting their basement to us for the year.

In the meantime Alex and I decided to walk to a couple of museums today.

First we visited the Smithsonian National Postal Museum


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Then we walked to the National Museum of American History

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I was sad to learn that Julia Child's kitchen was not being displayed at this time.  Apparently, they are building a new exhibit in which the kitchen will be displayed.  

Good thing we are going to be here for the year.  I'll catch it when it opens back up.

1 comment:

  1. The museum looks so cool! I love going round them....mind you we haven't been to one for years....=D


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